


The body is intricately designed.

How do we know this?

The body is a powerful, electricity-generating machine, which when provided with the essential tools – vitamins, enzymes, nutrients, minerals, and water can rebuild, repair, and heal itself.


Having this awareness, we become less reliant on outside sources to heal or cure us.


Just a few simple examples:

  • If a bone is broken, the body immediately begins to produce new cells to repair the damage.
  • When the skin is cut, platelets in the blood clot stop the bleeding. White blood cells remove the dead, injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue and produce a scab.
  • Fingernails and toenails grow back after separating from the nail bed.
  • The eye knows when to blink to lubricate and clean the eye. It also protects the eye by closing it to keep out dust and irritants.


Just to name a few.

The body is intricately designed.

How do we know this?

The body is a powerful, electricity-generating machine, which when provided with the essential tools – vitamins, enzymes, nutrients, minerals, and water can rebuild, repair, and heal itself.


Having this awareness, we become less reliant on outside sources to heal or cure us.


Just a few simple examples:

  • If a bone is broken, the body immediately begins to produce new cells to repair the damage.
  • When the skin is cut, platelets in the blood clot stop the bleeding. White blood cells remove the dead, injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue and produce a scab.
  • Fingernails and toenails grow back after separating from the nail bed.
  • The eye knows when to blink to lubricate and clean the eye. It also protects the eye by closing it to keep out dust and irritants.


Just to name a few.

The body is intricately designed. How do we know this?

The body is a powerful, electricity-generating machine, which when provided with the essential tools – vitamins, enzymes, nutrients, minerals, and water can rebuild, repair, and heal itself.


Having this awareness, we become less reliant on outside sources to heal or cure us.


Just a few simple examples:

  • If a bone is broken, the body immediately begins to produce new cells to repair the damage.
  • When the skin is cut, platelets in the blood clot stop the bleeding. White blood cells remove the dead, injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue and produce a scab.
  • Fingernails and toenails grow back after separating from the nail bed.
  • The eye knows when to blink to lubricate and clean the eye. It also protects the eye by closing it to keep out dust and irritants.


Just to name a few.


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